Saturday, November 21, 2015


more has been forgotten
than can ever be remembered

every story that we tell
is embedded in all the stories
that were never told.

blank spaces frame the words.
doubt, shame, or simple forgetfulness
become the framework

through which a few survive
along the turbulent shores
between imagination and memory.

the cracks between the grains of sand
are so much greater than the sand itself
yet somehow sustain it.

the thoughts
you thought today
came out of that void.

the unwritten unsung unsaid
words of the millennia

        spoke a truth.

we think we know our history
our story, our song
but we will never know it

unless we see
and hold precious
the void which sustains it.

©2015 Donna Jo Wallace
Note: Shared with Poets United / Poetry Pantry #279


  1. I am in awe of people who write poetry. I like "more has been forgotten that can ever be remembered."

  2. "the cracks between the grains of sand
    are so much greater than the sand itself"
    : you may be right, if each grain of sand is a story, then the empty space between the sands are the stories that are forgotten. i don't know whether i am sounding a bit crazy. :)
    very thoughtful poem, and yes, thanks for the visit to my blog!

  3. Donna Jo this is such a powerful and poignant read....'the cracks between the grains of sand
    are so much greater than the sand itself'. Yes and they hold so much of our story!


  4. So much unsaid, yet it's that silence, the voids, the air the give our poems weight.. The sand metaphor is awesome.

  5. "the thoughts
    you thought today
    came out of that void"

    a profound meditation on existence and remembrance

    have a blessed Sunday

    much love...

  6. Oh, this is very deep. I read the last line and said "Wow!" The void which sustains it.........very cool perspective.

  7. I think it is sometimes in the voids that one finds the real truth hiding. Sometimes we get a glimpse into that void, but often not. So much of importance is unwritten and unsung. A powerful piece!

  8. brilliant concept - void between grains of sand - encompassing both a vast and a miniscule space

  9. Thanks for all your comments - so much appreciated.

  10. "the thoughts
    you thought today
    came out of that void"

    So true. And there is no down time, there is only feeding that deep well for when it's needed.


Thank you for your comments and insights.