Sunday, October 30, 2016

The Myth

You sniff the breeze and feel the difference,
Something new is coming on.

Green was your life,
it was around you and among you.

There were rumors of other colors, out there,
but you were sure they were a myth.

But now, what is this--

brilliant red leaves are appearing
out of your once green ones.

Neighbors all around have become
orange, brown, variegated gold.

Ecstatic color is waking up, and
you discover

you never even knew what color was 
until there was change.

©2015 Donna Jo Wallace

shared with Poets United / Poetry Pantry 326


  1. That change to color, explosion close to death... here the leaves are falling though

  2. Yes, sometimes we do take beauty around us for granted.....until there is a change and we think...AH, this is beautiful....until we start taking THAT beauty for granted again. I like your thoughts.

  3. Oh I love this - you've some exquisite color imagery going on here ❤️

  4. I ike this. It reflects the importance of walking new paths, of experiencing diversity and appreciating the colors when we change.

    1. Thank you - I was hoping this would come across. Also: Just being "sure" of something does not mean you have proven it to be true ;)

  5. Those closing lines are especially good. Loved this.

  6. What a great way of welcoming autumn :-)

    But could also be a metaphor for knowing a new place, people etc :-)

  7. Luv the effect of season change on the senses

    much love...

  8. Monday WRites 81 is live
    You are invited to link in

    Happy Halloween

    much love...


Thank you for your comments and insights.