Thursday, September 22, 2011

Rhymes With Orange

The humble orange holds no fear for me
Merely for lack of a rhyme.

I hold its juicy roundness joyfully
Plump and expectant in the hollow of my hand


how I ate one faithfully each day
when I was expecting my own

I would dig in fearlessly - such a short lunch break
yet there was always time.

Others gave up smoking, drinking, or did baby yoga.
Having not much to give up, I ate an orange.

Every day, not for me
so much as for the small one Growing

expecting me already to do my best for her
Even if I didn’t always know what was best for me.

So bravely

I tell you about the orange
Even though I am a poet

In my own little free verse world
Knowing that it doesn’t rhyme and it’s okay.

©2011 Donna Jo Wallace.

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